couple staring at each other on the couch

Love’s Evolution: Breaking Through Old Relationship Habits

Hi, it’s Rebecca! Ready to navigate the world of dating, relationships, and all things love together? For 15 years, I’ve had the profound privilege of guiding individuals toward finding love and deepening connections within their relationships. My journey at Match Me Canada has shown me the transformative power of understanding and changing our relationship patterns. Whether single…

couple jogging in the woods

The Path Less Traveled: What Successful Couples Avoid

Oh, Hi There. I’m Rebecca Cooper Traynor from Match Me Canada. In my journey guiding souls towards love’s embrace for over 15 years, I’ve observed that thriving relationships aren’t just about the actions you take but also about what you consciously avoid. Let’s shift focus from the typical ‘dos’ to the pivotal ‘don’ts’ that distinguish flourishing…

mature couple talking

Building Love on the Bedrock of Honesty

Raw and Real: Stitching Strong Bonds with the Threads of Your Past Welcome! I’m Rebecca from Match Me Canada, your expert in the world of dating and relationships. Boasting a rich 15-year journey in matchmaking, I’ve successfully steered numerous singles towards their ideal partners, elevating their relationship experiences to greater heights. Passionate about fostering love…

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Rising from the Ashes: How to Date Again After Being Burned

Hello from Rebecca Cooper Traynor, your dedicated matchmaker and dating/relationship expert with 15 years of experience. In this edition of Match Me Canada‘s newsletter, I’m excited to delve into the intricacies of relationships and the genuine dedication required for their success. Join us weekly for insightful, complimentary advice on dating and relationships designed to guide and empower…

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Shattering Illusions: The Real Work Behind Successful Relationships

Hello there, it’s Rebecca Cooper Traynor, your trusted matchmaker and dating/relationship expert of 15 years. Today, I’m here to provide some valuable insights into the world of relationships and the honest effort it takes to make them thrive. Welcome to Match Me Canada’s newsletter, where I share weekly doses of free dating and relationship advice to assist and support…