In my journey guiding souls towards love’s embrace for over 15 years, I’ve observed that thriving relationships aren’t just about the actions you take but also about what you consciously avoid. Let’s shift focus from the typical ‘dos’ to the pivotal ‘don’ts’ that distinguish flourishing relationships.
1. Bypassing the Scoreboard
Thriving couples don’t keep a mental scoreboard of wrongs. Love isn’t about winning or holding past mistakes hostage. Forgiveness and growth are at the heart of lasting love.
2. Maintaining Individuality
Losing oneself in a relationship is a common pitfall. Healthy partners celebrate their unique identities, understanding that individual growth contributes to the relationship’s richness.
3. Facing Conversations Head-On
Robust relationships aren’t silent battlegrounds. Partners don’t avoid tough discussions; instead, they face them with courage, honesty, and respect, knowing that true understanding lies through communication.
4. Honouring Each Other’s Emotions
Ignoring or invalidating feelings is not appropriate in healthy relationships. Partners listen, empathize, and validate, building a foundation of emotional intimacy and trust.
5. Managing Jealousy Constructively
Jealousy, when left unchecked, can erode trust. Couples in flourishing relationships communicate their insecurities openly, refusing to let jealousy control their actions.
6. Continuously Cultivating the Connection
Complacency can quietly erode relationships. Dynamic couples invest continuously in their bond, cherishing each moment and fostering their connection with intention and love.
7. Giving Unconditionally
Love isn’t transactional in healthy relationships. It’s given freely, without conditions or expectations, supporting each other through life’s ups and downs.
8. Resolving Conflicts with Care
Disagreements are inevitable, but contemptuous conflict is avoidable. Successful couples tackle issues constructively, always aiming for resolution over resentment. The journey to and within a relationship is nuanced, requiring not just acts of love but also mindfulness of what to avoid. Yet, navigating this path isn’t always intuitive. Personalized guidance is invaluable in understanding and applying these principles, something many seek, yet few ask for.
At Match Me Canada, we believe in the transformative power of tailored support. Our three-month personalized coaching program is crafted to assist you, whether you’re seeking a new relationship or deepening an existing one. This program is built on the premise that everyone deserves love, and sometimes, a guiding hand can make all the difference. Embarking on the path to love shouldn’t be a solitary journey.
Let us walk with you. Book a call today to explore how our personalized coaching can illuminate your path to a healthy, fulfilling relationship, teaching you not just to find love but to nurture and sustain it.

Some believe stumbling upon a great partnership is a matter of luck, but in reality, it hinges on being in a positive space yourself, selecting someone who complements you well, and then jointly dedicating yourselves to growth and healing. It’s time we adopt the practice of prioritizing our well-being to cultivate and sustain a strong, thriving partnership.