How Your Matchmaker Almost Missed Her Chance at Love
… but got it together before she let it slip away
… but got it together before she let it slip away
In ages past, choosing a life partner was so much easier. Ever wonder why that is? Mostly, it was easier because there were fewer ways to go about doing it. Plus, people seemed to be more open-minded in terms of getting to know someone over a period of time to see if there was a…
DetailsAs a professional matchmaker, I sometimes ask myself: “Does this person actually want to meet someone? Or do they just want to tell themselves that they tried?” Do they want to make a serious effort to get to know themselves and see others as potential life partners? Or are they deciding well before the first…
DetailsHave you ever wondered what would happen if you were to take all of the suggested first-date advice and just throw it out the door? How would it be if, instead of asking fluffy questions that lead to a safe conversation, you just jumped right into the heavy, hard-hitting subjects? Would you even consider being…
DetailsAlthough it’s never easy to know just how to approach the subject, it’s a conversation that needs to happen: talking to our children about THEIR dating lives. No matter how you feel about it, it’s going to happen. One day, your child will not be so child- like anymore. Puberty, hormones, feelings, and all the talk and activity…
DetailsHe’s just not into you, and that’s okay. Trust me, I’ve been there before. What I mean by that is, I have dated men (*ahem* … they acted more like boys!) and put 120 percent into what was really a hopelessly lame situation that was clearly going nowhere. Looking back, I think of all the…
DetailsRelationship status on social media is something a lot of people don’t consider, though they should. In my experience, it’s a big one. When you decide you want to put yourself out there to meet somebody, it’s important to make sure that your social media accounts reflect your current relationship status. Why is relationship status…
DetailsWorking with a professional matchmaker is a little different than just jumping into the dating pool. Face it: you’ve decided to work with a matchmaker because you don’t want to waste your time. You want quality results. What you may not have considered is that essentially, you will be marketing yourself as a commodity. While…
DetailsYou’re a busy professional. Your time is valuable. Your schedule is so water-tight that there really isn’t a lot of wiggle room, even when it comes to your personal life. So, why is it that so many people insist on wasting their precious leisure time on something that isn’t working? Strictly A-Type problems You’re…
DetailsYou probably see a lot of articles about what a matchmaker can do for you, but did you ever wonder what we look for in a client? Yes – we do have an ideal of the “perfect” client, and since the Match Me Canada brand is quality-minded, we tend to think that our clients…